Further changes 30% ruling expected as of January 1, 2024
Recently the Dutch House of representatives (‘Tweede Kamer’) has adopted two amendments to the current 30% ruling legislation.
We inform you in more detail on these two amendments.
Recently the Dutch House of representatives (‘Tweede Kamer’) has adopted two amendments to the current 30% ruling legislation.
We inform you in more detail on these two amendments.
Hereby the new salary criteria with regard to the 30%- ruling for 2023:
The measures that governments have taken to control the outbreak of the COVID 19 virus have a serious impact on the travel and start dates of foreign employees.
Can’t get into the Netherlands or can’t get out? DutchNews.nl investigates the situation for expats trying to relocate during the corona crisis and the support and information that is available to them.
In this article about the new 2019 30%-Rule, Henk Amorison of Hillbrook is explaining the new rules including the transitional regime, the possibilities and consequences of the new 30%-Rule.
"Een verblijfsvergunning aanvragen bij de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst? Dat kan tegenwoordig online. Het gaat echt veel sneller dan vroeger", geven Gwen Keller en Marjolein Reedijk aan, als we vragen naar hun ervaringen met de online diensten.